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Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy has been reviewed and set out to underline the new rights for individuals within new data protection laws. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018. This change occurred to help protect and unify the way that an individual’s data is managed through the European Union (EU).


Our privacy policy is to let you know how we promise to look after your personal data and information. Hitchcock Woodworks Ltd treats your privacy seriously.


Hitchcock Woodworks Ltd is the Data Controller.


Why we process your personal data:

The data we gather from you that is kept on the Hitchcock Woodworks Ltd website is necessary for us to be able to contact you regarding appointments and for all communication with you. The privacy policy on the website is for your information on how this data is processed. 


The type of data we may collect is listed below:


Name and contact 

Name, address, telephone number, e-mail.


Sharing your information:

Hitchcock Woodworks Ltd does not share your information with any other individual, company or organisation.


How to get a copy of your data:

You can apply by email to


We shall endeavour to supply a copy of your data within one month.


What to do if your information is incorrect:

You can amend the information that we hold at any time, but we may ask for proof of identity to ensure that we are communicating with you. If you request details of your data that we hold and you wish for your data to be changed at the same time, you will receive both the old and the new information in our response.


What to do if you wish us to stop using your personal information:

You have the right under GDPR to ask us to delete, remove or to stop using your data as long as there is no legal reason for us to keep it. There may be a legitimate reason or legal obligation as to why we cannot remove or delete some of your personal information. If this arises, it will be fully explained within our communications with you.

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